The Brotherhood is the men’s club auxiliary open to members of Congregation Beth Shalom. We take our responsibility to our community quite seriously, undertaken in a spirit of fellowship, fraternity and fun!
"The mission of Brotherhood is to provide support to our Synagogue and Synagogue youth programs, to provide extended social services to the general community, and to provide an environment of fraternal good will and friendship to the adult men of Congregation Beth Shalom".
Activities during the year include:
· Ushering on the High Holidays and B’nai Mitzvahs
· Erecting and dismantling the community Sukkah
· Care and maintenance of the landscaping on campus
· Co-sponsoring of the Chanukah Party with Sisterhood
· Joint Brotherhood/Sisterhood Shabbat service
· Sponsoring the Religious School Picnic in May
· Monthly meetings throughout the year
· Social activities that foster fellowship both within the brotherhood community and with the congregation at large.
· Special programming (guest speakers)
· Social action - Tikkun Olam
Reasonable annual dues of only $36.00. Join us, won’t you?
CBS Brotherhood Board
President - Mike Todd
Vice President - Michael Sudhalter
Treasurer - Joe Bekerman
Secretary - Roy Aldaba
Sgt. at Arms - Hy Siegel
Patio Project
The brotherhood completed a brick patio at the South entrance of the building using the bricks that were salvaged from the driveway in front of the ARFTY Building.
Special thanks to David Markson who helped guide us through the steps to make sure we did it correctly.
I would also like to thank all the Brotherhood members who braved the heat to help on this project - Mike Kapin, Randy San Antonio, Larry Goodwin, David Silverberg, Mark Lewis, Adam Weiss, Nana and Lauren Atkins, and Steven Cabrero.
Phil Kabakoff
Patio project manager
Pictures from the Patio Project Work (courtesy of Phil K.)
Sat, February 15 2025
17 Shevat 5785
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